Digital Application Development

Web Application Development is the building block of today’s Digital Transformation. Portals, Websites, Data Entry forms, Transactional front-ends, Collaboration sites are the various use cases of Web Applications. Mobile device compatibility takes the Web Applications to the next level. Hybrid Applications are the order of the day.

AngularJS Logo
Java Logo
DotNet Logo
OS Logo
Xamarin Logo
React Logo
jQuery Logo
Ruby Logo
PHP Logo
CSS3 Logo

Our Web and Mobile Applications Team works closely with our clients to understand their Functional Requirements, End-user Interactions, Branding Needs, Security and IT Platforms. We then come up with right Solution Architecture, Wire frames, Development, Testing and Deployment of Purpose-driven applications. Our Web and Mobile Applications are Elegant, Interactive and Functional in handling requirements from all angles.

We do New Application Development, Enhancements and Modernization of Internal and External facing Web and Mobile Applications. We also do Platform Porting and Re-Engineering.

We do New Application Development, Enhancements and Modernization of Internal and External facing Web and Mobile Applications. We also do Platform Porting and Re-Engineering.

Our technologies are state-of-the-art,

  • Web Application Development Frameworks: .NET MVC, Java, Spring, Rails, Angular, React, PHP, Symphony, Meteor and Laravel
  • Mobile Application Development Frameworks: Android, IOS, Xamarin, PhoneGap, Ionic, React Native, Flutter, Mobile Angular UI
  • Front-end Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery
  • Back-end Technologies: Microsoft SQL, SQL Azure, Oracle, MySQL
  • Version Control: TFS, Git, CodeCommit, CVS, PVCS, Subversion (SVN)